Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thank Goodness for DVD Friends

I despise when people complain about something when they have so much to be grateful for. So I had purposed to be completely 100% satisfied with being away from my fiance on a day that, in reality, is only important because Western culture says it is.

But, alas, I am a hypocrite in many ways, many times. What can I say? I'm human. I miss him. And I couldn't help but feel bitter and envious of all my friends today, hand-in-hand with their husbands. *pout* I want to make cookies!! And dance to romantic music by candlelight. And watch sappy movies. And knit a sweater. Okay, okay...the sweater thing is a bit far, but can ya blame me? I grew up watching reruns of Happy Days.

So, to lessen the ache of being o-so-lonesome, I picked up on Season 4 of Gilmore Girls. Don't have Season 3, so I skipped a lot, but, I'm desperate. Oh, Gilmore Girls. You always seem to keep me company in the hardest of times. I love you. :D

1 comment:

  1. Aw. Hopefully it will be the last year you spend it alone. We're always at TMEA!


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