Friday, November 6, 2009

My Recital Program

It's good to know that you guys are interested in my recital!! :D

Here's the program info. If you're REALLY keen, I can send you the entire program via email! But only if you reaaally want it ;)


  1. Oh, it looks wonderful! I love the Argento pieces, I did three of them on my senior recital (Spring, Dirge, Diaphenia) but I want to do the whole set on my master's recital. I also did a set from the Wolf book. This really looks like a wonderful program.

    My idea of heaven would just be doing recitals. I used to plan programs around different themes, imagine which ones I'd do for what season or time...I know, I'm a big, big nerd.

    Congratulations, your program looks amazing!

  2. Haha, well thanks! And yes, you are a vocal nerd, but that's why you're awesome!! :D I can't wait until next semester when I get to choose my own rep. (it was chosen for me because of my haphazard arrival), but yeah, this semester's will be fun!

    Thanks for commenting! :)

  3. Please send it to me! It looks beautiful!


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